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The art of cutlery distinguishes Taramundi. The origin of this activity is found in the territory's own geophysical conditions, with iron deposits, abundance of water and forest wealth, which led to the installation of mallets and forges and the development of iron crafts.

Thus, the production of knives in Taramundi was developed mainly from the 18th and 19 th century, there were about a hundred craft workshops in the council. In the following years this activity was about to be lost, but today, and among other causes due to the development of rural tourism, the manufacture of knives and pocket knives remains one of the important economic activitie

s in the municipality. The techniques, materials and manufacturing methods of pocket knives, although based on traditional and familiar techniques, have envolved in recent years. The workshops have incorporated machinery and have been modernized; and it has been innovated with new materials and designs in the knives.

The fundamental parts of the knife are the blade, the handle and the ring. The main material with which the sheets are made today is stainless steel, more difficult to mold than carbon steel, a material traditionally used, but which has other advantages such as resistance to oxidation. The handle is made with local wood (boxwood and heather) and has a refined decoration based on geometric carving that is combined with colors such as black, green and red. Currently, other woods (oak, olive, ebony, etc.) and materials such as silver, deer or cow antlers have been incorporated. Its shape and decoration determine the differences between the different razor models and between their creators. The ring or "ferrule" is the sheet metal that surrounds the upper end of the handle. It is made from mild iron, brass, etc.

In 2005 the council of Taramundi was declared "Area of Artisan Interest". The declaration aims to reward places that are distinguished by the existence of active craftsmanship and that have a recognized tradition or a special dynamism. This official recognition allows to use in these products a distinctive of geographical origin. In addition to this appointment, the Standardization of the Taramundi artisan knife is currently being processed, which will constitute a recognition of its origin and authenticity.